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  • Felsenschildechse im Masoala Regenwald des Zoo Zürich.

    Zoo Zürich AG

    Zoo Zurich was founded in 1929 as a cooperative. In 1999 it was transformed into Zoo Zürich AG. The share of private shareholders, the Tiergarten-Gesellschaft Zürich TGZ and the Zoo Foundation is 80,6%. The share of the City of Zurich and of the Canton of Zurich is 9,7% each.

    Zoo Restaurants GmbH

    Zoo Restaurants GmbH, a fully-owned subsidiary of Zoo Zürich AG, manages the restaurants Altes Klösterli, Masoala and Pantanal, the Zoo Caffè & Ristorante, various catering stands and the Zooshop and the Masoala Shop.

    The profits from the zoo restaurants and zoo shops go directly to Zoo Zurich in support of its ideal objectives. Two percent of the overall turnover from the zoo restaurants and zoo shops goes towards Zoo Zurich's conservation projects.