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  • Zwei Bernierentenküken im Masoala Regenwald des Zoo Zürich.

    Zoo Map

    Important information!

    We're building the Zoo of the Future. Please note our construction site information and our notes on temporary restrictions.

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    Übersichtsplan des Zoo Zürich.


    Zoo map in the Zoo app

    Headerbild mit Screenshots der Zoo-App Version 6.0.0

    The Zoo App shows you which animals live where, when there are animal presentations and feedings and where restaurants, playgrounds and toilets are located. You will find detailed information about each animal in the zoo and can create a list of your favourite animals.

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    Playgrounds can be found in the following locations:

    • near Zoolino
    • below the lions' enclosure
    • on the terrace of Restaurant Pantanal
    • near the seals' enclosure
    Picnic areas

    You can have a picnic at the following locations:

    • near Zoolino
    • below the lions' enclosure
    • at Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park

    Eating is permitted in all animal houses, with the exception of Masoala Rainforest. We also kindly ask you to refrain from bringing your own food into the restaurants.


    For safety reasons, no fireplaces exist on the premises of the zoo. Several fireplaces are freely available in the adjacent forest on Zürichberg.