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  • Nebenweg/Erlebnispfad im Masoala Regenwald

    Philosophy and goals

    Zoo Zurich is a cultural and educational institution of the town of Zurich and serves as an ambassador between people, animals, and nature. The zoo appeals to a vast majority of the population and thus contributes to the sustainable preservation of biological diversity. All Zoo Zurich activities are based on innovative business and scientific management as well as future-oriented sustainable financing. The great public interest in the zoo is put to well-targeted use, just as the close cooperation within the scope of the worldwide network of zoological gardens.

    Zwei Zoogäste beobachten im Kaeng Krachan Elefantenpark einen Asiatischen Elefanten

    Zoo Zurich acts as an ambassador between humans, animals and nature. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Enzo Franchini


    The zoo works towards its goal of nature conservation in four equally important areas:

    Ex-situ conservation: We promote endangered biodiversity

    The zoo focusses on high-quality and innovative husbandry of endangered species.

    Education: We sensitise and motivate people to actively protect nature

    The zoo creates an emotional bond between guests and animals and teaches people to respect the dignity of animals and their importance in the environment. It utilises the emotional connection and provides examples of active nature conservation.

    Key messages:

    • Protecting nature starts with your menu
    • Protecting species starts on your doorstep

    In-situ conservation: We protect and strengthen nature – locally and globally

    The zoo supports long-term and sustainable nature conservation projects and promotes local nature conservation through its own sustainability.

    Research: We promote an understanding of nature

    The zoo provides a framework for researching, better understanding and thus better protecting the diversity of animal species kept in the zoo.

    Arabische Oryx im Zoo Zürich.

    Ex-situ conservation: We promote endangered biodiversity. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Fabio Süess

    Szenenbild einer Führung im Zoo Zürich; im Hintergrund Chileflamingos.

    Education: We sensitise and motivate people to actively protect nature. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Nikon, Maria Schmid

    Baumschule zur Aufforstung im Korridor Region Ambatolaidama und Ilampy auf Madagaskar.

    In-situ conservation: We protect and strengthen nature – locally and globally. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Martin Bauert

    Dr. Leyla Davis konserviert einen toten Baumhöhlen-Krötenlaubfrosch in Formalin.

    Research: We promote an understanding of nature. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Nicole Schnyder


    This idealistic work requires commercial success, because every franc earned benefits conservation. We ensure this success by appealing to broad sections of the population in an attractive and exciting way. Our non-material and commercial success can only be achieved with motivated, skilled and professionally qualified employees.

    Zoo Zurich is an employer with international appeal for professions in a wide variety of fields. It offers its employees attractive employment conditions.

    Tierpflegerin Daniel Kollmuss mit einer Aldabra-Riesenschildkröte im Masoala Regenwald des Zoo Zürich.

    Motivated, skilled and professionally qualified employees are the key to Zoo Zurich's success. Photo: Zoo Zürich, Fabio Süess

    Occupational safety and health protection

    The occupational safety and health protection of its employees are a central part of Zoo Zurich's corporate responsibility. It coordinates the tasks relating to occupational safety, health protection and health promotion through a safety officer and several divisional safety officers. Zurich Zoo systematically promotes the skills and personal responsibility of its employees at all levels and ensures compliance with all occupational safety regulations. In this way, it constantly reduces the risk of accidents and occupational illnesses.