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  • Spotted Hyena

    Spotted Hyena

    Crocuta crocuta

    In relation to its body size, the spotted hyena has the most powerful jaws of all mammals. It is unjustly dubbed a lazy scavenger. In reality, it is their strong jaws and powerful legs that allow them to tear prey independently. Their large heart supplies the body with sufficient oxygen for a long time during the hunt, which makes the hyena a persistent hunter.
    Spotted hyenas travel in family groups, which are usually led by a female. The newborns are already born with sight and teeth. From their first foray together, the cubs eat meat, although they are not weaned from their mother's milk until months later.

    Related to Carnivores, "cat-like" carnivorans, hyenas (4 species)
    Habitat Open savannah, grasslands and dry steppes and plains with large ungulate populations. Up to 4'100 m.a.s.l.
    Mode of life Diurnal, use burrows (partly self-dug)
    Social structure In groups (clans) with up to 100 animals, hierarchy consisting of females related to each other; males migrate and tend to live on the fringes of the clans
    Diet Insects to large mammals, carrion or animals killed by themselves, waste. Up to 18 kg per meal
    Weight F: 55 to 85 kg, M: 40 to 55 kg, newborn: 900 to 1,200 g
    Shoulder height 70 - 90 cm
    Mating season All year round
    Gestation time 110 days
    Litter size Up to 4 young
    Age of sexual maturity At the age of 2 to 3 years
    Life expectancy Up to 40 years
    At Zoo Zurich since 2020


    Verbreitunskarte Tüpfelhyäne



    P. Gander, Aesch ZH
    R. Gantenbein, Zürich
    E. Wögerer, Gamprin
    A. Bühler, Freienbach
    E. + W. Haas, Küsnacht
    F. Ebert, Zürich
    M. + Ch. Steffen, Stäfa
    J. Rehmann, Nänikon
    U. Staubli-Singer, Bülach
    Zaunteam Zürich Oberland GmbH, Gutenswil
    Become a Sponsor

    Price for a sponsorship: CHF 2'000.–

    Conservation status

    IUCN RedList

    Breeding programme