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  • Pachypanchax varatraza

    Pachypanchax varatraza

    The Pachypanchax varatraza is endemic to Madagascar - so it only occurs in the north-east of Madagascar. The Malagasy name "Varatraza" means "east wind".
    There is a green and a red color form, which is only visible in the males. The scales of the green males show rusty to chestnut-brown corners in the rear half of the body. However, their size and intensity depends on the population. The markings on the females are less pronounced than those on the males.
    Zurich Zoo plans to continuously expand the keeping and breeding of endangered Madagascan species. The aim is to expand the husbandry network and thus the ex-situ protection of these species, i.e. the protection of the animals by humans to build up reserve populations.

    Classification Tooth carp (Cyprinodontiformes), family Aplocheilidae with two genera and 16 species
    Habitat Shady, plant-poor watercourses
    Diet Water-dwelling invertebrates, approach food
    Body length Up to 6.6 cm
    Life expectancy Approx. 4 years
    Use No information on use or trade is available for this species.
    Current population Very small distribution area, decreasing
    In Zurich Zoo since 2024


    Verbeitung Varatraza-Madagaskar-Hechtling

    Conservation status

    IUCN RedList