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  • Anchicayá Woodcreeper

    Anchicayá poison dart frog

    Oophaga anchicayensis

    The genus name "Oophaga" means something like "egg eater". This name refers to the diet of the tadpoles. The mother feeds them with unfertilized eggs. After about 3 months, the metamorphosis of the tadpoles into frogs is complete.
    Oophaga anchicayensis was only described as an independent species in 2018. It is only found in a small distribution area in Colombia.
    Like all tree frogs, the skin of the anchicayá poison dart frog is coated with venom. The frogs produce this toxin by eating poisonous insects.

    Relatives Frog amphibians, tree climbing frogs, Oophaga
    Habitat Tropical lowland rainforests and secondary forests, both on the ground and on plants
    Lifestyle Daily active in branches and on the ground
    Food Insects and other arthropods
    Size 36 - 42 mm
    Weight 4 - 5 g
    Reproduction The female lays 3 - 5 eggs on a bromeliad leaf. These are fertilized by the male. They are then guarded and moisturized by him. The tadpoles hatch after approx. 2 weeks. The female transports them individually into water-filled bromeliad funnels.
    At Zoo Zurich since 2000


    Verbreitungskarte Anchicayá-Baumsteiger


    H. Sandmeier, Neftenbach
    D. Bischof, Triesen
    G. Roderer, Zürich
    D. Isolda, Zürich
    L. Alvaro + M. Schuler, Schwyz
    S. Jäger, Stäfa
    A. Sostizzo, Gossau SG
    Ch. Meier, Hinwil
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    Price for a sponsorship: CHF 150.–

    Conservation status

    IUCN RedList