Die Forschung ist eine der vier Kernaufgaben des Zoo Zürich. Im Rahmen des Entwicklungsplans 2050 intensiviert der Zoo Zürich seine Forschungstätigkeiten mit eigenen Projekten, insbesondere aber auch, indem er externen Wissenschaftler*innen eine Plattform für Forschungstätigkeiten bietet.
Hier finden Sie zoorelevante Forschungspublikationen mit Beteiligung des Zoo Zürich (Autorenschaft und/oder Bereitstellung biologischer Proben und/oder Datensätze).
Clauss M, Roller M, Bertelsen MF, Rudolf von Rohr C, Müller DW, Schiffmann C, Kummrow M, Encke D, Ferreira S, Duvall ES, Maré C. Zoos must embrace animal death for education and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2025 Jan 7;122(1):e2414565121. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2414565121
Ackermann M, Kubacki J, Heaggans-Ebbeson S, Hayward GS, Lechmann J. Epidemiological, Serological, and Virological Analysis of an Outbreak of Elephant Hemorrhagic Disease in Switzerland. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-03. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.14.585086v1.abstract
Aduriz A, Lanthier I, Lair S, Vergneau-Grosset C. Evaluation of mortality causes and prevalence of renal lesions in zoo-housed chameleons: 2011–2022. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2024 Jun;55(2):381-92. BioOne Digital Library
Bähler I, Federer K, Davis L, Weber S, Burkevica A, Schneider S, Dierkes PW, Clauss M. Automated scatter-feeding increases foraging activity of zoo-housed meerkats (Suricata suricatta) to durations observed in the wild and elicits sentinel behaviour during feedings. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 12: 2024. (in press). https://www.jzar.org/jzar/onlinefirst/view/828
Brok PS, Jost SM, Verhulst NO. Selection of sheep skin bacteria to reduce blood feeding by biting midges under laboratory conditions. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 2024 Nov;172(11):1062-71. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/eea.13503
Cigler P, Davis LR, Gmür SL, Clauss M, Hatt JM, Ohlerth S, Mastromonaco G, Kummrow M. Evidence for seasonal shift in the reproduction of Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) in managed care in the Northern hemisphere compared to the natural habitat in the Southern hemisphere. Zoo Biology. 2024 43:458-469. Zoo Biology | Zoology Journal | Wiley Online Library
Cristofari R, Davis L, Bardon G, Nitta Fernandes FA, Figueroa ME, Franzenburg S, Gauthier-Clerc M, Grande F, Heidrich R, Hukkanen M, Le Maho Y. Sedentary life accelerates epigenetic ageing in King penguins. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-09. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.09.24.614416v1.full.pdf
Garand, E, Krauss, C, Müller, DWH, Davis, LR, Codron, D, Clauss, M and Miranda, F. (2024), Larger Than Life? Body Mass Records of Zoo-Managed Giant Anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Zoo Biology. 2024 43:537-544. Zoo Biology | Zoology Journal | Wiley Online Library
Göbel M, Jebram J, Westerhüs U, Kremper R, Selzer D. Breeding Station for the European Hamster (Cricetus cricetus Linnaeus, 1785) at Opel-Zoo Kronberg. 2024. Zool. Garten N.F. 92 (2024) 85-97.
Göbel M, Kaiser S, Richter H, Wagner P, Wehrenberg G. Specifically unspecific – Simple devices as feasible and effective enrichment for small mammals. Animal Behavior and Cognition. 2024;11(3):305-29. Animal behaviour and cognition
Fröhlich M, van Noordwijk MA, Mitra Setia T, van Schaik CP, Knief U. Wild and captive immature orangutans differ in their non-vocal communication with others, but not with their mothers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2024 Jan;78(1):12.
Huijsmans TE, Van Soom A, Smits K, Wauters J, Hagan D, Hildebrandt TB. Elephant Gestation: Insights Into Idiopathic Abortions and Stillbirth. Zoo Biology. 2024. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39258751/
Kirchgeorg S, Chang JJ, Ip YC, Jucker M, Geckeler C, Lüthi M, van der Loo E, Mächler E, Franco-Sierra ND, Herrera MA, Pellissier L. eProbe: Sampling of Environmental DNA within Tree Canopies with Drones. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024. eProbe: Sampling of Environmental DNA within Tree Canopies with Drones | Environmental Science & Technology (acs.org)
Kleinlugtenbelt CL, Clauss M, Weber H, Wenker C, Stagegaard J, Bernhard A, Ziemssen E, Baumgartner K. Killing zoo animals to feed carnivores in German-speaking zoos and its acceptance by staff, visitors, and media. Zool. Garten NF. 2024;92:99-114. https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-260936
Kukofka P, Young R, Kunz JA, Nellissen L, Alavi SE, Rahmaeti T, Basalamah F, Haun DB, Schuppli C. The development of social attention in orangutans: Comparing peering behavior in wild and zoo-housed individuals. iScience. 2025 Jan 17;28(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.111542
Schuppli C, Young R, Kukofka P, Kunz JA, Nellissen L, Alavi SE, Basalamah F, Haun D. The development of social attention in orangutans: comparing peering behaviour in wild and zoo-housed individuals. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-05. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.31.596770
Wilson VA, Sauppe S, Brocard S, Ringen E, Daum MM, Wermelinger S, Gu N, Andrews C, Isasi-Isasmendi A, Bickel B, Zuberbühler K. Humans and great apes visually track event roles in similar ways. PLoS Biology. 2024 Nov 26;22(11):e3002857. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002857
Bulls SE, Platner L, Ayub W, Moreno N, Arditi JP, Dreyer S, McCain S, Wagner P, Burgstaller S, Davis LR, Bruins-van Sonsbeek LG. Cancer prevalence is related to body mass and lifespan in tetrapods and remarkably low in turtles. bioRxiv. 2022 Jul 14:2022-07. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.12.499088v2 (in review) https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.12.499088
Fröhlich M, van Noordwijk MA, Mitra Setia T, van Schaik CP, Knief U. Wild and captive immature orangutans differ in their non-vocal communication with others, but not with their mothers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2024 Jan; 78(1): 12. https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs00265-023-03426-3
Geckeler C, Aucone E, Schnider Y, Simeon A, von Bassewitz JP, Zhu Y, Mintchev S. Learning Occluded Branch Depth Maps in Forest Environments using RGB-D Images. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2024 https://doi.org/10.1109/lra.2024.3355632
Kamare B, Preti ML, Bernardeschi I, Lantean S, Dagenais P, Milinkovitch M, Beccai L. Study and Preliminary Modeling of Microstructure and Morphology of the Elephant Trunk Skin. Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. 2023 Jul; 10: 101-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39504-8_7
Kleinlugtenbelt CLM, Burkevica A, Clauss M (2023) Large carnivore feeding in European zoos. Der Zoologische Garten NF 91: 9-39 https://www.vdz-zoos.org/fileadmin/Zooga/Volume_91_1/Kleinlugtenbelt_et_al_2023_Large_carnivore_feeding_in_European_zoos_ZooGart_91-1.pdf
Kleinlugtenbelt CLM, Burkevica A, Clauss M (2023) Body condition scores of large carnivores in 44 European zoos. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 11: 414-421 https://doi.org/10.19227/jzar.v11i4.741
Kleinlugtenbelt CLM, Clauss M, Burkevica A, De Cuyper A (2023) Fasted and furious? Considerations on the use of fasting days in large carnivore husbandry. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 11:318-323 https://doi.org/10.19227/jzar.v11i3.713
Ramos-Madrigal J, Sun X, Sinding MS, Martins NF, Ciucani MM, Mak SS, Lanigan LT, Clausen CC, Bhak J, Jeon S, Kim C. Conservation implications of elucidating the Korean wolf taxonomic ambiguity through whole-genome sequencing. Ecology and Evolution. 2023 Aug; 13(8): e10404 https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10404
Sehner S, Willems EP, Baumeyer A, Davis L, van Schaik CP, Burkart JM. The evolution of information donation: A targeted comparison between marmosets and squirrel monkeys. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square. 2023 Jan; (in review). https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2498407/v1
Schiffmann C, Hellriegel L, Clauss M, Stefan B, Knibbs K, Wenker C, Hård T, Galeffi C. From left to right all through the night: Characteristics of lying rest in zoo elephants. Zoo Biology. 2023 Jan;42(1):17-25. https://doi.org/10.1002/zoo.21693
Çilingir FG, A'Bear L, Hansen D, Davis LR, Bunbury N, Ozgul A, Croll D, Grossen C. Chromosome-level genome assembly for the Aldabra giant tortoise enables insights into the genetic health of a threatened population. GigaScience. 2022 Oct 11;11. https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giac090
Joshi A, Young D, Huang L, Mosberger L, Munk B, Vinzelj J, Flad V, Sczyrba A, Griffith GW, Podmirseg SM, Warthmann R. Effect of Growth Media on the Diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from Non-Rumen Habitats. Microorganisms. 2022 Oct 5;10(10):1972. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/10/10/1972
Sehner S, Willems EP, Baumeyer A, Davis L, van Schaik CP, Burkart JM. The evolution of information donation: A targeted comparison between marmosets and squirrel monkeys. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2498407/v1
Fröhlich M, van Schaik CP. Social tolerance and interactional opportunities as drivers of gestural redoings in orang-utans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2022 Sep 12;377(1859):20210106. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2021.0106
Fröhlich M, van Schaik CP, van Noordwijk MA, Knief U. Individual variation and plasticity in the infant-directed communication of orang-utan mothers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2022 May 25;289(1975):20220200. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.0200
Perrin K, Lopez J, Molenaar F, Titus SE, Trimpert J, Abdelgawad A, Clauss M, Schiffman C. Current surveillance practices for shedding of elephant endotheliotropic herpesviruses in breeding and bachelor Asian elephant Elephas maximus herds in Europe. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research. 2022 Oct 31;10(4):183-7. https://doi.org/10.19227/jzar.v10i4.665
Štefanić S, Grimm F, Mathis A, Winiger R, Verhulst NO. Xenosurveillance proof-of-principle: Detection of Toxoplasma gondii and SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in mosquito blood meals by (pan)-specific ELISAs. Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-Borne Diseases. 2022 Jan 1;2:100076. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crpvbd.2022.100076
Balasubramaniam KN, Kaburu SS, Marty PR, Beisner BA, Bliss‐Moreau E, Arlet ME, Ruppert N, Ismail A, Anuar Mohd Sah S, Mohan L, Rattan S (2021) Implementing social network analysis to understand the socioecology of wildlife co‐occurrence and joint interactions with humans in anthropogenic environments. Journal of Animal Ecology 90,12: 2819-2833.
Cerling TE, Bernasconi SM, Hofstetter LS, Jaggi M, Wyss F, Rudolf von Rohr C, Clauss M. (2021) M. CH4/CO2 ratios and carbon isotope enrichment between diet and breath in herbivorous mammals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. May 28;9:638568.
Clauss M, Scriba M, Kioko J, Ganzhorn JU, Kiffner C (2021) Camera trap data do not indicate scaling of diel activity and cathemerality with body mass in an East African mammal assemblage. Ecology and Evolution 11: 13846-13861
Clauss M, Trümpler J, Ackermans NL, Kitchener AC, Hantke G, Stagegaard J, Takano T, Shintaku Y, Matsuda I (2021) Macroscopic digestive anatomy of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), including a comparison of frozen and formalin-stored specimens. Primates 62: 431-441
Clauss M, Zerbe P, Bingaman Lackey L, Codron D, Müller DWH (2021) Basic considerations on seasonal breeding in mammals including their testing by comparing natural habitats and zoos. Mammalian Biology 101: 373-386
Clavadetscher I, Bond ML, Martin LF, Schiffmann C, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2021) Development of an image-based body condition score for giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) and a comparison of zoo-housed and free-ranging individuals. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 9: 170-185
Heldstab SA, van Schaik CP, Müller DWH, Rensch E, Bingaman Lackey L, Zerbe P, Hatt J-M, Clauss M, Matsuda I (2020) Reproductive seasonality in primates: patterns, concepts and unsolved questions. Biological Reviews 96: 66-88
Roller M, Müller DWH, Bertelsen MF, Bingaman Lackey L, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2021) The historical development of juvenile mortality and adult longevity in zoo-kept carnivores. Zoo Biology (online) doi 10.1002/zoo.21639
Wendler P, Ertl N, Flügger M, Sós E, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2021) Foot care in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos. Der Zoologische Garten NF
Clauss M, Dittmann MT, Vendl C, Hagen KB, Frei S, Ortmann S, Müller DWH, Hammer S, Munn AJ, Schwarm A, Kreuzer M (2020) Comparative methane production in mammalian herbivores. Animal 14: s113-s123
Crottini A, Rosa GM, Penny SG, Cocca W, Holderied MW, Rakotozafy LMS, Andreone F (2020): A new stump-toed frog from the transitional forests of NW Madagascar (Anura, Microhylidae, Cophylinae, Stumpffia). ZooKeys 933: 139-164. (Froschauer-Frosch)
De Cuyper A, Meloro C, Abraham AJ, Müller DWH, Codron D, Janssens GPJ, Clauss M (2020) The uneven weight distribution between predators and prey: comparing gut fill between terrestrial herbivores and carnivores. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 243: 110683
Ertl N, Wendler P, Sós E, Flügger M, Schneeweis F, Schiffmann C, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2020) Theory of medical scoring systems and a practical model for the foot health of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos. Animal Welfare 29: 163-176
Hatt JM (2020) Zoos können dazu beitragen, dass sich eine solche Epidemie nicht mehr wiederholt. Zürcher Zentrum für Integrative Humanphysiologie (ZIHP). https://www.zihp.uzh.ch/en/Coronavirus/Zoos-und-Coronavirus.html
Hatt JM (2020) Wenn es Zoos nicht gäbe, müsste man sie schleunigst erfinden. Interview mit Severin Dressen. VetsuisseNEWS 2: 20
Hatt JM (2020) Biotop- und Artenschutz sind zentrale Anliegen. https://seniorweb.ch/2020/04/17/biotop-und-artenschutz-sind-zentrale-anliegen/
Hejcmanová P, Ortmann S, Stoklasová L, Clauss M (2020) Digesta passage in common eland (Taurotragus oryx) on a monocot or a dicot diet. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 246:110720
Heldstab SA, van Schaik CP, Müller DWH, Rensch E, Bingaman Lackey L, Zerbe P, Hatt J-M, Clauss M, Matsuda I (2020) Reproductive seasonality in primates: patterns, concepts and unsolved questions. Biological Reviews (online) doi 10.1111/brv.12646
Hohl CJM, Codron D, Kaiser TM, Martin LF, Müller DWH, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2020) Chewing, dental morphology and wear in tapirs (Tapirus spp.) and a comparison of free-ranging and captive specimens. PLoS One 15: e0234826
Honegger, RE (2020) Der Frosch des Herrn Froschauer und weitere Zürcher Persönlichkeiten. Herrn Dr. med. vet. A. Rübel, Direktor Zoo Zürich (199-2020), zum 65. Geburtstag am 5. Mai. Elaphe 2/2020: 48-54
Isenbügel E (2020) Gangarten in Unterschiede in der Anatomie von Esel/Muli und Pferd von Wissdorf H et al. utzverlag GmbH, München
Kummrow MS, Baxter R, Mastromonaco G, Bunbury N, Clauss M, Hansen D, Hatt J-M (2020) Changes in plasma oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone concentrations during an annual reproductive cycle in wild Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea). Herpetological Journal 30:197-201
Loddenkemper D (2020) Foundation for Bat Conservation, Switzerland – Zoo Zürich.
Zooquaria 110: 23
Ostfeld N, Tahas SA, Hatt J-M, Hilbe M (2020) Primary ganglioneuroblastoma in a red deer (Cervus elaphus). Veterinary Record Case Reports 8: e001078
Rübel, A (2020) Biblisch. Gastkommentar in ideaSpektrum:19.2020, 3
Rübel, A (2020) Von der Tierschau zum Naturschutzzentrum. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich: 165, (2), 4-7
Rübel A (2020) Eine Bilanz der Ära Dr. Alex Rübel: Zoo Zürich im 9. Rigi-Symposium, Verhandlungsbericht, 60-63
Schiffmann C, Hård T, Hjelm M, Clauss M (2020) Soft and persistent – The influence of sand-flooring and calves on the resting behavior of a zoo-kept African elephant (Loxodonta africana) group. Zoo Biology 39: 56-62
Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hoby S, Hatt J-M (2020) Weigh and see – body mass recordings versus body condition scoring (BCS) in zoo elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus). Zoo Biology 39: 97-108
Stutz, Hans-Peter und Alex Rübel (2020): Lob der Fledermaus. Die Weltwoche vom 28.5.2020
Tidière M, Duncan P, Lemaître J-F, Gaillard J-M, Bingaman Lackey L, Müller DWH, Clauss M (2020) Do equids live longer than grazing bovids? Journal of Mammalian Evolution 27: 809-816
Wendler P, Ertl N, Flügger M, Sós E, Torgerson P, Heym PP, Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2020) Influencing factors on the foot health of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos. Zoo Biology 39: 109-120
Ackermann M, Hatt J-M (2019). To treat or not to treat? Veterinary Record Case Reports 7: e000847.
Carisch L, Stirn M, Hatt J-M, Federer K, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Riond B (2019). White blood cell count in birds: evaluation of a commercially available method. BMC Veterinary Research 15: 93.
Clauss M, Hagen KB, Frei S, Ortmann S, Lawrenz A, Głogowski R, Fritz J, Flach EJ, Kreuzer M (2019). Digestive anatomy, physiology, resting metabolism and methane production in captive maras (Dolichotis patagonum). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 235: 82-89.
Croci M, Klausmann S, Hatt J-M, Schmitt S, Hilbe M (2019) Chromoblastomycosis in two giant ditch frogs also known as mountain chicken frogs (Leptodactylus fallax). Veterinary Record Case Reports 7: e000691.
Del Castillo, D (2019). Who is Present? Individuality in the Call Structure of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) Whistle. Master Thesis, Universität Zürich.
Derix J, Ortmann S, Wiegmann L, Lawrenz A, Janssens GPJ, Clauss M (2019). Retention of solutes and particles in the gastrointestinal tract of a grazing cervid: Père David’s deer (Elaphurus davidianus). European Journal of Wildlife Research 65:46.
Galeffi C & Rübel A (2019). Mixed species exhibit of Andean Bears (Tremarctos ornatus) and South-American Coatis (Nasua nasua) in the «Sangay mountainous cloud forest» at Zoo Zurich: a review of 21 years of the enclosure’s operation. Published in: Of Bears And Men: Conclusions of the 1st International Bear Meeting IBEAR. Haupt Verlag.
Gutnick T, Weissenbacher A, Kuba MJ (2019). The underestimated giants: operant conditioning, visual discrimination and long-term memory in giant tortoises. Animal Cognition, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10071-019-01326-6.
Hagen KB, Frei S, Ortmann S, Głogowski R, Kreuzer M, Clauss M. (2019) Digestive physiology, resting metabolism and methane production of captive juvenile nutria (Myocastor coypus). European Journal of Wildlife Research 65: 2.
Hagen KB, Hammer S, Frei S, Ortmann S, Głogowski R, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2019). Digestive physiology, resting metabolism and methane production of captive Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica). Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 28: 69-77.
Hatt J-M, Kummrow M, Wenger S, Clauss M (2019). Orchiectomy in Testudo species: technical aspects and effect on courtship behaviour. Veterinary Record 184: 555-560.
Honegger RE (2019). Warum kam die «Schöne Griechin» in meine Küche? Eine Zeitreise in andere Epochen – eine nicht so heitere Spurensuche in: Sekretär Beiträge zur Literatur und Geschichte der Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde Vol. 19 2018 (recte: 2019).
Honegger RE, Grossenbacher K (2019). Wie es zur Gründung der Koordinationsstelle für Amphibien- und Reptilienschutz in der Schweiz (KARCH) kam. Festschrift 40 Jahre Karch.
Kiani A, Clauss M, Ortmann S, Vendl C, Congdon ER, Herrera EA, Kreuzer M, Schwarm A (2019). Digestive physiology of captive capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). Zoo Biology 38:167-179.
Novacco M, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Hetzel U, Hatt J-M, Ohlert S, Stirn M (2019). Lipoid pneumonia in an orangutan (Pongo abelii) with chronic respiratory problems. Journal of Medical Primatology 48: 133-136.
Przybyło M, Hummel J, Ortmann S, Codron D, Kohlschein G-M, Kilga D, Smithyman J, Przybyło U, Świerk S, Hammer S, Hatt J-M, Górka P, Clauss M (2019). Digesta passage in nondomestic ruminants: separation mechanisms in «moose-type» and «cattle-type» species, and seemingly atypical browsers. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 235: 180-192.
Pucora E, Schiffmann C, Clauss M (2019). Resting postures in terrestrial mammalian herbivores. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 552-563.
Rübel A (2019). Es geht ums Überleben. Ein Gespräch mit Alex Rübel. Zwei – ein Magazin von Pfizer Deutschland II, 2019, S. 26-26.
Schiffmann C, Baumeyer A, Clauss M, Hoby S (2019). Impact of a new exhibit on stereotypic behaviour in an elderly captive African elephant. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 7: 37-43.
Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hoby S, Codron C, Hatt J-M (2019). Body Condition Scores (BCS) in European zoo elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus) lifetimes – a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 7: 74-86.
Schiffmann C, Hatt J-M, Hoby S, Codron D, Clauss M (2019). Elephant body mass cyclicity suggests effect of molar progression on chewing efficiency. Mammalian Biology 96: 81-86.
Schönbächler K, Hatt J-M, Silaghi C, Merz N, Fraefel C, Bachofen C (2019). Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis-Virus Nachweis beim Europäischen Igel (Erinaceus europaeus). Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 161: 23-31.
Sprecher K (2019). Oekosystem der feuchten tropischen Regenwälder. 2. Auflage.
Wendler P, Ertl N, Flügger M, Sós E, Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2019). Foot health of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in European zoos. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50: 513-527.
Wenger S, Hatt J-M (2019). Oral gabapentin used to treat recurrent shoulder and neck pain in a Bactrian camel. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 46: 145-146.
Akeret B, Honegger RE (2018). Paul Heinrich Stettler (1922-2016). In: Die Geschichte der Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde im deutschsprachigen Raum II S. 160, DGHT, Rheinbach
Falcón W, Baxter RH, Furrer S, Bauert M, Hatt J-M, Schaepman-Strub G, Ozgul A, Bunbury N, Clauss M, Hansen DM (2018). Temperature fluctuations and thermoregulation of Aldabra giant tortoises. Ecology and Evolution 8: 2108-2121
Falcón W, Furrer S, Bauert M, Hatt J-M, Hansen DM, Clauss M (2018). Evaluation of artificial heating sources for the thermoregulation of Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) in Zurich Zoo. Zoo Biology 37: 458-465
Głogowski R, Pérez W, Clauss M (2018). Body size and gastrointestinal morphology of nutria (Myocastor coypus) reared on an extensive or intensive feeding regime. Journal of Animal Science 96: 3728-3737
Heldstab SA, Müller DWH, Graber SM, Bingaman Lackey L, Rensch E, Hatt J-M, Zerbe P, Clauss M (2018). Geographical origin, delayed implantation and induced ovulation explain reproductive seasonality in the Carnivora. Journal of Biological Rhythms 33: 402-419
Honegger RE (2018). Drei Vogelfangdarstellungen aus der Schweiz. In: Bl. Naumann-Mus. 31. 11-20
Honegger RE (2018). Peter Bodenmann-Kron (1919-2002) - Eugen Kramer (1921-2004) - Henry Kratzer (1934-2005) - Carl Stemmler- Morath (1904-1987). In: Die Geschichte der Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde im deutschsprachigen Raum II S. 160, DGHT, Rheinbach
Hufenus R, Schiffmann C, Hatt J-M, Müller DWH, Bingaman Lackey L, Clauss M, Zerbe P (2018). Seasonality of reproduction in elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana): underlying photoperiodic cueing? Mammal Review 48: 261-276
Kitz S, Grimm F, Wenger S, Hatt J-M, Kipar A, Hetzel U (2018). Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in Barbary striped grass mice (Lemniscomys barbarus).
In: SAT, ASMV 6, Band 160, Heft 6, 394–400
Kummrov MS, Brüne M (2018). Psychopathologies in captive nonhuman primates and approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 49(2): 259-271
Laube A, Altherr B, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2018). Reference intervals for bile acids and protein electrophoresis in plasma of captive panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis): a first approach. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 28: 99-106
Matsuda I, Bernard H, Tuuga A, Nathan SKSS, Sha J, Osman I, Sipangkui R, Seino S, Asano S, Wong A, Kreuzer M, Ramirez Saldivar DA, Clauss M (2018). Fecal nutrients suggest diets of higher fiber levels in free-ranging than in captive proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4: 246
Novacco M, Hofmann-Lehmann R, Hetzel U, Hatt J-M, Olerth S, Stirn M (2018).
Lipoid pneumonia in an orangutan (Pongo abelii) with chronic respiratory problems
Journal of Medical Primatology. 1-4
Ruetz B (2018): Zoo Zürich – Naturschutz und Unternehmertum. In: Ethisch, nachhaltig, erfolgreich – Zehn Schweizer Unternehmen und ihre Geschichten. Ars Biographica. 961-03
Rübel A (2018) Natur und Tiere in der Schweiz 2291. In: Schweiz 2291 – Siebzig Persönlichkeiten beschreiben die Schweiz an ihrem 1000. Geburtstag. Ein Zukunftsdialog, Häuselmann C. Weberverlag. 81-83
Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Fernando P, Pastorini J, Wendler P, Ertl N, Hoby S, Hatt J-M (2018). Body condition scores in European zoo elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana) - status quo and influencing factors. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 6:91-103
Schiffmann C, Hoby S, Wenker C, Hård T, Scholz R, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2018). When elephants fall asleep: a literature review on elephant rest with case studies on elephant falling bouts, and practical solutions for zoo elephants. Zoo Biology 37: 133-145
Schiffmann C, Knibbs K, Clauss M, Merrington J, Beasley D (2018). Unexpected resting behaviour in a geriatric zoo elephant. Gajah 48: 30-33
Stanczyk EK, Velasco Gallego ML, Nowak M, Hatt J-M, Kirchner PR, Carrera I, (2018). 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the central nervous system, eye, and inner ear in birds of prey. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 59 (6). 705-714
Tahas SA, Hetzel U, Altenbrunner-Martinek B, Martin Jurado O, Hammer S, Arif A, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2018). Microanatomy of the digestive tract, hooves and some visceral organs of addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus) following a concentrate or forage feeding regime. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 47: 254-267
Wenger S, Pendl H, Tahas S, Bochmann M, Hatt J-M (2018). Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Lead Intoxication In An Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(4):1029-1032
Wyss F, Schneiter M, Hetzel U, Keller S, Frenz M, Ricka J, Hatt J-M (2018). Investigation of the tracheal mucociliary clearance in snakes with and without boid inclusion body disease and lung pathology. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 49(1): 223–226
Rübel, A (2017): Lassen sich naturwissenschaftliches Denken und Glaube an Gott versöhnen? In: Kuhn, Achim. Kann ich damit leben? Prominente über Konflikt und Versöhnung. TVZ Verlag, Zürich, 220-228
Honegger,RE, Rübel A (2017): Eine weitere Ehrung für Heini Hediger. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 162,2,11
Honegger,RE (2017): Die Riesenschildkröten von Zürich. Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 161,2,4
Rübel, A. (2017): Mein Dorf in der Stadt. The Dolder Grand Magazine 6, 54-55.
Galvis-Rizo CA, Forero G, Bauert M (2017): A cooperative strategy between Cali Zoo, Zurich Zoo and Wildlife Conservation Society for the conservation of Colombian amphibians. CA AArk, 40: 9-11
Davis LR, Bigler L, Woodhams DC (2017): Developmental trajectories of amphibian microbiota: response to bacterial therapy depends on initial community structure. Environmental Microbiology 19.4: 1502-1517
Ackermann M, Hatt J-M, Schetle N, Steinmetz H (2017): Identification of shedders of elephant endotheliotropic herpesviruses among Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Switzerland. PLoS ONE 125: e0176891
Barrows M, Killick R, Saunders R, Tahas S, Day C, Wyatt K, Horspool T, Bingaman Lackey L, Cook J (2017): Retrospective analysis of elective health examinations as preventative medicine interventions at a zoological collection. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 5: 25-32
Bochmann M, Steinlechner S, Hesse A, Dietz HH, Weber H (2017): Urolithiasis in free-ranging and captive otters (Lutra lutra and Aonyx cinerea) in Europe. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48: 725-731
Carisch L, Müller DWH, Hatt J-M, Bingaman Lackey L, Rensch EE, Clauss M, Zerbe P (2017): Seasonal mortality in zoo ruminants. Zoo Biology 36: 74-86
Gillis-Germitsch N, Vybiral P-R, Codron D, Clauss M, Kotze A, Mitchell EP (2017): Intrinsic factors, adrenal gland morphology and disease burden in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in South Africa. Zoo Biology 36: 40-49
Hummel J, Hammer C, Hammer S, Südekum K-H, Müller DWH, Clauss M (2017): Retention of solute and particle markers in the digestive tract of captive Somali wild asses (Equus africanus somaliensis). European Journal of Wildlife Research 63: 41
Matsuda I, Chapman CA, Physilia CYS, Sha JCM, Clauss M (2017): Primate resting postures: constraints by foregut fermentation? Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90: 383-391
Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hoby S, Hatt J-M (2017): Visual body condition scoring in zoo animals – composite, algorithm and overview approaches in captive Asian and African elephants. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 5: 1-10
Tahas SA, Martin Jurado O, Hammer S, Arif A, Reese S, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2017): Gross measurements of the digestive tract and visceral organs of addax antelope (Addax nasomaculatus) following a concentrate or forage feeding regime. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 46: 282–293
Vendl C, Munn A, Leggett K, Clauss M (2017): Merycism in western grey (Macropus fuliginosus) and red kangaroos (Macropus rufus). Mammalian Biology 86: 21-26
Balsiger A, Clauss M, Liesegang A, Dobenecker B, Hatt JM (2017): Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) drinking preferences: do nipple drinkers compensate for behaviourally deficient diets? Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 101,1046–1056
Clauss, M, Hatt JM (2017): Evidence-Based Rabbit Housing and Nutrition. In: The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice, 20(3):871-884.
Clauss M, Hummel J (2017): Physiological adaptations of ruminants and their potential relevance for production systems. R. Bras. Zootec, 46(7):606-613
Dittmann MT, Kreuzer M, Runge U, Clauss M (2017): Ingestive mastication in horses resembles rumination but not ingestive mastication in cattle and camels. J. Exp. Zool. 327: 98–109
Mosing M, Sacks M, Tahas S, Ranninger E, Böhm SH, Campagnia I, Waldmann AD (2017): Ventilatory incidents monitored by electrical impedance tomography in an anaesthetized orangutan (Pongo abelii). Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia , 44, 973e980
Pérez W, König HE, Jerbi HI, Clauss M (2017): Zur Anatomie des Magen Darm Traktes bei Alpaka (Vicugna pacos, Linnaeus, 1758). Lamas (Fachzeitschrift für Haltung und Zucht von Lamas und Alpakas), 25. Jahrgang, 1
Schiffmann C, Clauss M, Hoby S, Hatt JM (2017): Visual body condition scoring in zoo animals – composite, algorithm and overview approaches. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 5(1)
Clark A, Silva-Fletcher A, Fox M, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2016) Survey of feeding practices, body condition and faeces consistency in captive ant-eating mammals in the UK. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 4: 183-195
Duggan G, Burn C, Clauss M (2016) Nocturnal behaviour in captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) – a pilot study. Zoo Biology 35:14-18
Fahlman A, Edner A, Wenger S, Foggin C, Nyman G (2016) Pulmonary gas exchange and acid–base status during immobilisation of black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) in Zimbabwe. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association; Vol 87, No 1 (2016), 9 pages. doi: 10.4102/jsava.v87i1.1328
Gerstner G, Liesegang A, Hatt J-M, Clauss M, Galeffi C (2016) Seasonal body mass changes and feed intake in spectacled bears (Tremarctor ornatus) at Zurich Zoo. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 4: 121-126
Graf R (2016) Zooführer Zoo Zürich. 359 S. Ropress Genossenschaft, Zürich
Hassold S, Lowry PP, Bauert MR, Razafintsalama A, Ramamonjisoa L, Wodmer A (2016) DNA Barcoding of malagasy rosewoods: towards a molecular identification of CITES-listed Dalbergia species. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0157881. Doi: 10.1271/journal.pone.0157881
Heidegger E, von Houwald F, Steck B, Clauss M (2016) Body condition scoring system for greater one-horned rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis): development and application. Zoo Biology 35: 432-443
Honegger RE (2016) Die Riesenschildkröten von Zürich. Vierteljahrsschrift der NGZH 2 (4-7), JG 161
Laube A, Pendl H, Clauss M, Altherr B, Hatt J-M (2016) Plasma biochemistry and hematology reference values of captive panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) with special emphasis on seasonality and gender differences. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47: 743-753
Rübel A (2016) Elefanten faszinieren – Ein Nachwort. In: Mit Sandry nach Schweden. Markus Schmid. 174-175
Rübel A (2016) Conrad Gessner als Zoologe 141-154. In: Conrad Genner 1516-2016. Facetten eines Universums. Urs V. Leu und Mylène Ruoss (Hrsg). Verlag NZZ
Rübel A (2016) Hat der Tierpark eine Zukunft? In: Bentz, S.: Mehr Platz für weniger Tiere! Geschichte des Tierparks Bern, Haupt, Bern,195-201
Taylor LA, Müller DWH, Schwitzer C, Kaiser TM, Castell J, Clauss M, Schulz-Kornas E (2016) Comparative analyses of tooth wear in free-ranging and captive wild equids. Equine Veterinary Journal 48:240-245
Tidière M, Gaillard J-M, Berger V, Müller DWH, Bingaman Lackey L, Gimenez O, Clauss M, Lemaître J-F (2016) Comparative analyses of longevity and senescence reveal variable survival benefits of living in zoos across mammals. Scientific Reports 6: 36361
Vendl C, Frei S, Dittmann MT, Furrer S, Ortmann S, Lawrenz A, Lange B, Munn A, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2016) Methane production by two non-ruminant foregut-fermenting herbivores: the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) and the pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 191: 107-114
Vendl C, Frei S, Dittmann MT, Furrer S, Osmann C, Ortmann S, Munn A, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2016) Digestive physiology, metabolism and methane production of captive Linné’s two-toed sloths (Choloepus didactylus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 100: 552-564
Burivalova Z, Bauert MR, Hassold S, Fatroandrianjafinonjasolomiovazo NT, Koh LP (2015). Relevance of global forest change data set to local conservation: case study of forest degradation in Masoala National Park, Madagascar. Biotropica 47(2): 267-274.
Dittmann MT, Runge U, Ortmann S, Lang RA, Moser D, Galeffi C, Schwarm A, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2015). Digesta retention patterns of solutes and different-sized particles in camelids compared with ruminants and other foregut fermenters. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 185: 559-573.
Dudley JP, Hang’Ombe BM, Leendertz FH, Dorward LJ, De Castro J, Subalusky AL, Clauss M (2015). Carnivory in the common hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibious: implications for the ecology and epidemiology of anthrax in African landscapes. Mammal Review. Doi: 10.1111/mam.12056.
Fischer, Markus et. al. (2015): Zustand der Biodiversität in der Schweiz – Die Analyse der Wissenschaft. (Mit Beitrag Alex Rübel). Hrsg: Forum Biodiversität Schweiz, Bern.
Gull JM, Stahl M, Osmann C, Ortmann S, Kreuzer M, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2015).Digestive physiology of captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): determinants of faecal dry matter content. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 99: 565-576.
Hagen K, Müller DHW, Wibbelt G, Ochs A, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2015). The macroscopic intestinal anatomy of a lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris). European Journal of Wildlife Research 61:171-176.
Hagen KB, Besselmann D, Cyrus-Eulenberger U, Vendl C, Ortmann S, Zingg R, Kienzle E, Kreuzer M, Hatt JM, Clauss M (2015). Digestive Physiology of the plains Viscacha (Lagostomus maximus): a large herbivorous hystricomorph rodent. Zoo Biology: 34(4): 345-359.
Hatt JM, Wenger S, Pot SA (2015). Unilateral enucleation in Darwin’s rhea due to chronic panophthalmitis, Proceedings ICARE conference, p. 266, Paris, April 2015.
Hoby S, Grundmann S, Wenger S, Wenker C (2015). Lessons learned from a complicated tusk extraction in an African elephant. Proceedings ICARE conference, p. 101, Paris, April 2015.
Razafintsalama A., Ramamonjisoa L., Andrianoelina O., Bauert M (2015). Ecological survey and genetic diversity of Dalbergia species in the north-eastern region of Madagascar. J. of multidisciplinary engineering science and technology 2(4): 528-532. ISSN: 3159-0040.
Rübel A (2015). Excellence in zoos and aquariums: how to achieve our visions and goals. IZY Editor’s Article of Choice.
Rübel A (2015). Appreciation Dr. Fred Kurt. Gajah 42: 39-40.
Rübel, A. (2015) Presidents of WAZA (part two): WAZA President 2001-2003. WAZA News 2, 2.
Rübel A. Zingg R. (2015). Kaeng Krachan Elefantenpark für Asiatische Elefanten (Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758) im Zoo Zürich. Der Zoologische Garten 84: 1-12.
Rudolf von Rohr C, van Schaik CP, Kissling A, Burkart JM (2015). Chimanzees’ Bystander reactions to Infanticide. Hum Nat doi 10.1007/s12220-015-9228-5.
Schönenberger AC, Wagner S, Tuten HC, Schaffner F, Torgerson P, Furrer S, Mathis A, Silaghi C (2015). Host preferences in host-seeking and blood-fed mosquitoes in Switzerland. Medical and veterinary entomology doi: 10.1111/mve.12155.
Vendl C, Frei S, Dittmann MT, Furrer S, Osmann C, Ortmann S, Munn A, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2015). Digestive phyliology, metabolism and methane production of captive Linné’s two-toed sloths (Choloepus didactylus). Journal of Animal Physiology and animal Nutrition. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12356.
Vetsch W (2015). Wohin die Reise führt. Anthos 2: 9-13.
Wenger S, Hatt JM (2015). Transurethral cystoscopy and endoscopic urolith removal in female guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Vet Clin Exot Anim 18, 359–367.
Wenger S, Schwarz A, Raszplewics J, Lawrenz A, Hoby S, Wenger C (2015). Comparison of two similar anaesthetic protocols for prolonged recumbency using isoflurane and intermittent bous injection fo etorphine in an adult male African elephant (Loxodonta Africana). Proceedings EAZWV conference, Barcelona, May 2015.
Dittmann AT, Hummel J, Runge U, Galeffi C, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2014) Characterising an artiodactyl family inhabiting arid habitats by its metabolism: low metabolism and maintenance requirements in camelids. Journal of Arid Environments 107: 41-48.
Dittmann MT, Runge U, Lang RA, Moser D, Galeffi C, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2014) Methane emission by camelids. PLoS One 9: e94363.
Gattiker C, Espie I, Kotze A, Lane EP, Cordon D, Clauss M (2014) Diet and dietrelated disorders in captive ruminants at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa. Zoo Biology 33: 426-432.
Gull JM, Hebel C, Arif A, Deb A, Clauss M, Hatt J-M, Hammer S (2014) Blood values of clinically healthy captive beira antelopes (Dorcatragus megalotis) and during an outbreak of fibrinous pleuropneumonia syndrome (FPPS). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45: 735-743.
Hagen K, Clauss M, Hatt JM (2014) Drinking preferences in chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger), degus (Octodon degu) and Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 98: 942-947.
Hatt JM, Bauert M and Wenger S (2014) The Masoala rainforest exhibit at Zurich zoo - 10 years of experience from a veterinary perspective. Proceedings EAZWV conference, Warsaw, May 2014, p. 55.
Ritz J, Codron D, Wenger S, Rensch EE, Hatt J-M, Braun U, Clauss M (2014) Ruminal pH in cattle (Bos primigenius f. taurus) and moose (Alces alces) under different feeding conditions: a pilot investigation. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 2: 44-51.
Rübel, A (2014) Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park at Zoo Zürich. Gajah 40: 44-45.
Rübel, A (2014) Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park at Zoo Zürich. WAZA news 2/1: 26-27.
Rübel, A (2014): Vorwort. In: Kurt, Fred: Von Elefanten und Menschen. Paul Haupt, Bern.
Rübel, A (2014) Heini Hediger and the Foundation of zoo biology. In: McGregor Reid, G. and Moore, G.: History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation. The North of England Zoological Society, 113-116.
Steuer P, Südekum K-H, Tütken T, Müller DWH, Kaandorp J, Bucher M, Clauss M, Hummel J (2014) Does body mass convey a digestive advantage for large herbivores? Functional Ecology 28: 1127-1134.
Taylor LA, Müller DWH, Schwitzer C, Kaiser TM, Codron D, Schulz E, Clauss M (2014) Tooth wear in captive rhinoceroses (Diceros, Rhinoceros, Ceratotherium: Perissodactyla) differs from that of free-ranging conspecifics. Contributions to Zoology 83: 107-117.
Venkataraman VV, Glowacka H, Fritz J, Clauss M, Seyoum C, Nguyen N, Fashing PJ (2014) Effects of dietary fracture toughness and dental wear on chewing efficiency in geladas (Theropithecus gelada). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 155: 17–32.
Wenger S, Wyss F, Peterson S, Gull J, Hatt JM (2014) Evaluation of intramuscular alfaxalone for induction of anesthesia in clinical reptiles cases. Proceedings AAZV conference, Florida, October 2014.
Wyss F, Wenker C, Hoby S, von Houwald F, Schumacher V, Doherr MG, Robert N (2014) The effect of fine granular sand on pododermatitis in captive greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus). Animal Welfare 23: 57-61.
Wyss FS, Wolf P, Wenker C, Hoby S, Schumacher V, Béchet A, robert N, Liesegang A (2014) Comparison of plasma vitamin A and E, copper and zinc levels in freeranging and captive greater flamingos (Phoenicpterus roseus) and their relation to pododermatitis. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 98: 1102-1109.
Wyss FS, Wenker CJ (2014) Phoenicopteriformes. In: Miller RE, Folwer M. Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Vol. 8. St. Louis, Missouri, 105-112. ISBN 978-1-4557-7397-8.
Beck R. (2013). Activity budget and social interactions in sixcaptive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at Zoo Zürich. Master Thesis, Institute of evolutionary biology and environmental studies. University of Zurich.
Büker M, Picozzi K, Kolb S, Hatt J-M (2013). First detection of Borrelia burdorferi-antibodies in free-living birds of prey from Eastern Westphalia, Germany. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 155:411-416.
Clauss M, Kohlschein GM, Peemöller A, Hummel J, Hatt J-M (2013). Short-term digestible energy intake in captive moose (Alces alces) on different diets. Zoo Biology 32: 484-489.
Furrer S. (2013). Erfahrungen mit der Haltung von PLattschwanzgeckos (Uroplatus fimbriatus) im Masoala Regenwald des Zoo Zürich, Schweiz. Draco 13: 72-77.
Hatt J-M, Zollikofer CPE, Thali M, Kircher PR, Morimoto N, de Leon MP (2013). The virtual ape project: more than a source of anatomy for veterinarians, anthropologists and primatologists. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 28 September 2013 – 4 October 2013, p 51.
Jürges V, Kitzler J, Zingg R, Radespiel U. (2013). First insights into the social organisation of Goodman’s Mouse Lemur (Microcebus lehilahytsara) – testing predictions from socio-ecological Hypotheses in the Masoala hall if Zurich Zoo. Folia Primatol 84: 32-48.
Lauper M, Lechner I, Barboza P, Collins W, Hummel J, Codron D, Clauss M (2013). Rumination of different-sized particles in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and moose (Alces alces) on grass and browse diets, and implications for rumination in different ruminant feeding types. Mammalian Biology 78: 142–152.
Lemaître J-F, Gaillard J-M, Bingaman Lackey L, Clauss M, Müller DHW (2013). Comparing free-ranging and captive populations reveals intra-specific variation in aging rates in large herbivores. Experimental Gerontology 48: 162–167.
Mans C, Drees R, Sladky K, Hatt J-M, Kircher P (2013). Effects of body position and extension of the neck and extremities on lung volume measured via computed tomography in red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 243:1190-1196.
Müller DWH, Hammer S, Hammer C, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2013). A conceptual approach to density-dependent management of zoo animals kept in herds. International Zoo Yearbook47: 208–218.
Rübel A. (2013). Returning the Compliment. The Masoala Rainforest at Zoo Zürich Celebrates its 10th Anniversary, and the Investment it had been able to make the Malagasy Region upon which is based. Zooquaria 82, 16-18.
Rübel A. (2013). Elephant Conservation Challenges. Gajah 38, 1-2 Rübe, A. (2013). One Plan: Masoala - combining modern exhibit, education and conservation in Madagascar. WAZA Proceedings, Orlando.
Schwarm A, Ortmann S, Fritz J, Rietschel W, Flach E, Clauss M (2013). No distinct stratification of ingesta particles and no distinct moisture gradient in the forestomach of nonruminants: the wallaby, peccary, hippopotamus, and sloth. Mammailan Biology 78: 412-421.
Steuer P, Südekum K-H, Müller DWH, Kaandorp J, Clauss M, Hummel J (2013). Fibre digestibility in large herbivores as related to digestion type and body mass - an in vitro approach. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 164: 319–326.
Taylor LA, Rudd J, Hummel J, Clauss M, Schwitzer C (2013). Weight loss in pygmy hippos (Choeropsis liberiensis). In: Steck B (ed.) Pgymy hippopotamus (Choreopsis liberiensis) International Studbook 2012. Basel Zoo, Basel, pp. 20-25.
Taylor LA, Schwitzer C, Owen-Smith N, Kreuzer M, Clauss M (2013). Feeding practices for captive greater kudus (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in UK collections as compared to diets of free-ranging specimens. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 1: 7-13.
Wenger S, Hoby S, Wyss F, Adami C, Wenker C (2013). Anaesthesia with medetomidine, midazolam and ketamine in six gorillas after premedication with oral zuclopenthixol dihydrochloride. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 40: 176-180.
Wenger S, Wyss F, Peterson S, Gull J, Hatt J-M (2013). The use of alfaxalone for induction of anaesthesia in selected reptile species: a preliminary clinical investigation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, Vienna, Austria, 08 May 2013 – 11 May 2013.
Wüthrich G, Hatt J-M (2013). Europäische Landschildkröten. Zürich. ISBN 978-3-908157-19-9.
Wyss F, Gull J, Rothlin T, Scheiwiler T, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2013). Observations on weight loss and fecal consistency in giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) during three transitions from a mixed natural in-house to commercial complete diets. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 28 September 2013 – 4 October 2013, pp 20-22.
Wyss F, Wenker C, Hoby S, Gardelli B, Studer-Thiersch A, Houwald F, Schumacher V, Clauss M, Doherr MG, Häfeli W, Furrer S, Béchet A, Robert N (2013). Factors influencing the onset and progression of pododermatitis in captive flamingos (Phoenicopteridae). Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde 155: 497-503.
Clauss M, Paglia DE. 2012. Iron storage disease in captive wild mammals – the comparative evidence. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43: S6–S18.
Clauss M, Dierenfeld E, Goff J, Klasing K, Koutsos L, Lavin S, Livingston S, Nielson B, Schlegel M, Sullivan K, Valdes E, Ward A. 2012. IOD in rhinos – nutrition group report: Report from the Nutrition Working Group of the International Workshop on Iron Overload Disorder in Browsing Rhinoceros (February 2011). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43: S108–S113.
De Souza AA. 2012. Colour preference of red ruffed lemurs (Varecia rubra) in a semi-natural environment. Research paper, university of Zurich.
Furrer S. 2012. Schweizer Erstnachzucht von Varanus macraei im Zoo Zürich. Reptilia 17(1), S. 8.
Helary SF, Shaw JA, Brown D, Clauss M, Owen-Smith N. 2012. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) natural diets: comparing iron levels across seasons and geographical locations. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43: S48–S54.
Hohl A. 2012. Kaeng Krachan Elefantenpark im Zoo Zürich. Tiergarten, Magazin für Zoointeressierte. 1/2012.
Price EC, Wormell D, Brayshaw M, Furerr S, Heer T & Steinmetz HW. 2012. Managing free-ranging callitrichids in zoos. Int. Zoo Yb 46: 123-136.
Ritz J, Clauss M, Streich WJ, Hatt JM. 2012. Variation in growth and potentially associated health status in Hermann’s and Spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo hermanni and Testudo graeca). Zoo Biology 31: 705–717.
Rübel A. 2012. Heini Hediger - A Short Biography. In: Penn, L., Gusset, M. and G. Dick: 77 years: The History and Evolution of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums 1935-2012. WAZA, Gland.
Rübel A. 2012. Auch für Tiere gilt: Vorsorgen ist besser als Heilen. In Schnieper, Claudia: Strategie des Lebens - Vorsorge in der Tierwelt. Die Mobiliar.
Rübel A. 2012. Bedeutung der Zoos für den Naturschutz. In: Dittrich, L. und Nogge, G. (ed.): Zootierhaltung - Tiere in menschlicher Obhut. Grundlagen. Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt. 391-399.
Rübel A. 2012. Kann man heute von Hediger noch lernen? Bongo 43, 147-160.
Rübel A. 2012. Conserving Madagascar’s Biodiversity, Building Local Capacity and Raising Environmental Awareness of Youth: The cooperative work of zoos for Madagascar -The Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group (MFG). WAZA Proceedings 2012.
Sandmeier P, Clauss M, Donati OF, Chiers K, Kienzle E, Hatt JM. 2012. Use of deferiprone for the treatment of hepatic iron storage disease in three hornbills. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 240:75-81.
Scientific Writing Experience at the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians 2010 Student Summer School, Clauss M supervisor. 2012. Serum iron metabolites in an opportunistic sample of different captive primate species. International Zoo Yearbook 46:195–200.
Stahl M, Osmann C, Ortmann S, Kreuzer M, Hatt JM, Clauss M. 2012. Energy intake for maintenance in a mammal with a low basal metabolism, the Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 96: 818–824.
Wenger S. 2012. Anesthesia and analgesia in rabbits and rodents. J Exotic Pet Med 21, 7-16.
Zerbe P, Clauss M, Codron D, Bingaman Lackey L, Rensch E, Streich WJ, Hatt JM, Müller DHW. 2012. Reproductive seasonality in captive wild ruminants: implications for biogeographical adaptation, photoperiodic control, and life history. Biological Reviews 87: 965-990.
Franz R, Hummel J, Müller DWH, Bauert M, Hatt JM, Clauss M. 2011. Herbivorous reptiles and body mass: effects on food intake, digesta retention, digestibility and gut capacity, and a comparison with mammals. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 158: 94-101.
Franz R, Soliva CR, Kreuzer M, Hatt JM, Furrer S, Hummel J, Clauss M. 2011. Methane output of tortoises: its contribution to energy loss related to herbivore body mass. PLoS One 6: e17628.
Hummel J, Findeisen E, Südekum K-H, Ruf I, Kaiser TM, Bucher M, Clauss M, Codron D. 2011. Another one bites the dust - faecal silica levels in large herbivores correlate with high-crowned teeth. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278: 1742-1747.
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Steinmetz, H.W., Eulenberger, U., Hatt, J.M. 2008. Daily clinical examinations in a herd of captive Asian elephants (Elaphas maximus) where endotheliotophic elephant herpes virus has occurred, Proc. AAZV Conference, Los Angeles CA, 124-125.
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Wanger, T.C., Motzke, I., Furrer, S.C., Brook, B.W. and Gruber, B. 2008. How to monitor elusive lizards: comparison of capture-recapture methods on giant day geckos (Gekkonidae, Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis) in the Masoala rainforest exhibit, Zurich Zoo. Ecol Res doi:10.1007/s11284-008-0511-3.
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Clauss, M., Steinmetz, H.W., Eulenberger, U., Ossent, P., Zingg, R., Hummel, J. and Hatt, J.M. 2007. Observations on the length of the intestinal tract of African Loxodonta Africana (Blumenbach 1797) and Asian elephants Elephas maximus (Linné 1735). Eur J Wildl Res, 53, 68-72.
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Clauss, M., Castell, J.C., Kienle, E., Schramel, P., Dierenfeld, E.S., Flach, E.J., Behlert, O., Streich, W.J., Hummel, J. and Hatt J.M. 2007. Mineral absorption in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bocornis) as compared to the domestic horse. European Journal of Wildlife Research 53: 68-72.
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Clauss, M., Kaiser, T. and Hummel, J. 2007. The morphophysiological adaptations of browsing and grazing mammals. In: Gordon, I.J. and Prins, H.H.T. The ecology of browsing and grazing. Heidelberg: 47-88.
Clauss, M., Castell, J.C., Kienzle, E., Schramel, P., Dierenfeld, E.S., Flach, E.J., Behlert, O., Streich, W.J., Hummel, J. and Hatt, J.M. 2007. Mineral absorption in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) as compared to the domestic horse. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 91:193-204.
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Steinmetz, H.W., Clauss, M., Feige, K., Thio, T., Isenbügel, E. and Hatt, J.M. 2007. Recurrent tongue tip constriction in a captive Giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). J. Zoo. Wildl. Med., 38, 146-149.
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Clauss, M., Castell, J.C., Kienzle, E., Dierenfeld, E.S., Flach, E.J., Behlert, O., Ortmann, S., Streich, W.J., Hummel, J. and Hatt, J.-M. (2006) Digestion coefficients achieved by the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), a large browsing hindgut fermenter. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 90, 325–334.
Clauss, M., Castell, J.C., Kienzle, E., Schramel, P., Dierenfeld, E.S., Flach, E.J., Behlert, O., Hatt, J.-M., Streich, W.J. and Hummel, J. 2006. Macromineral absorption in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) as compared to the domestic horse. Journal of Nutrition, 136, 2017S–2020S.
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Clauss, M., Hänichen, T., Hummel, J., Ricker, U., Block, K., Grest, P. and Hatt, J.M. 2006. Excessive iron storage in captive omniovres? The case of the coati (Nasua spp.). In: Fidgett, A., Clauss, M., Eulenberger, K., Hatt, J.M., Hume, I., Janssens, G., Nijboer, J. (eds) Zoo animal nutrition III. Filander Verlag, Fürth, Germany, pp. 91–99.
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Steinmetz, H.W., Kaumanns, W., Dix, I., Heistermann, M., Fox, M. and Kaup, F.J. 2006. Coat condition, housing condition and measurement of faecal cortisol metabolites – A non-invasive study about alopecia in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) J. Med. Primatol., 35, 3–11.
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Clauss, M., Froeschle, T., Castell, J.C., Hatt, J.-M., Ortmann, S., Streich, W.J., and Hummel, J. 2005. Fluid and particle retention times in the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis, a large hindgut-fermenting browser. Acta Theriologica 50, 367–376.
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Clauss, M., Polster, C., Kienzle, E., Wiesner, H., Baumgartner, K., von Houwald, F., Ortmann, S., Streich, W.J., Dierenfeld, E.S. 2005. Studies on digestive physiology and feed digestibilities in captive Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 89: 229–237.
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Clauss, M., Gehrke, J., Hatt, J.-M., Dierenfeld, E.S., Flach, E.J., Hermes, R., Castell, J., Streich, W.J. and Fickel, J. 2005. Tannin-binding salivary proteins in three captive rhinoceros species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 140, 67–72.
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Hummel, J., Clauss, M., Zimmermann, W., Johanson, K., Norgaard, C., Pfeffer, E. 2005. Fluid and particle retention in captive okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 140: 436–444.
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Hatt, J.-M., Clauss, M., Gisler, R., Liesegang, A. and Wanner, M. 2005. Fiber Digestibility in juvenile Galapagos tortoises (Geochelone nigra) and implications fort he development of captive animals. Zoo Biology 24: 185–191.
Hatt, J.-M., Schaub, D., Wanner, M., Wettstein, H.-R., Flach, E.J., Tack, C., Hässig, M. Ortmann, S., Streich, W.J., Hummel, J. and Clauss, M. 2005. Energy and fiber intake in a group of captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) offered increasing amounts of browse. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 52, 485–490.
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Schöbi, J. 2005. Nährstoffvorräte und –Verfügbarkeit im Bodensubstrat des Masoala Regenwaldes des Zoo Zürich. Diplomarbeit, ETHZ.
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Steinmetz, H.W., Kaumanns, W., Dix, I., Müller, E. U. Kaup, F.J. 2005. Dermatologic investigation of alopecia in Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 36, 229–238.
Steinmetz, H.W., Fischer, I., Christen, C., Curd, S., Hatt, J.M. 2005. Königspinguin und Schneeeule: Neues von der Aspergillosefront. Proc. Arbeitstagung der Zootierärzte im deutschsprachigen Raum 25, Bremerhaven, in press.
Steinmetz, H.W., Hatt; J.M., Isenbügel; E., Ossent; P., Zingg, R. 2005. Animal welfare, health status and risk of disease transmission in free-roaming Golden-headed tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Verh.ber. Erkrg. Zootiere 42, 162–163.