Onlineshop Wimmel products Here you will find a selection of Wimmel products that are also available for purchase in the Zoo Shops at Zurich Zoo. CHF 16.90 Classic hidden object book CHF 9.50 Mini hidden object book CHF 49.90 Wimmel Beach Towel Kaeng Krachan CHF 49.90 Wimmel beach towel Lewa CHF 49.90 Wimmel beach towel Masoala CHF 9.90 Wimmel Puzzle Visit to Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park CHF 9.90 Wimmel Puzzle Visit to the Lewa Savannah CHF 9.90 Wimmel Puzzle Visit to the Masoala Rainforest CHF 9.90 Wimmel Puzzle Visit to the Zoolino CHF 9.90 Wimmel Puzzle Visit to Zurich Zoo