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  • Erdmännchen-Gruppe

    Annual passes

    Holders of an annual, two-year or three-year pass do not have to queue at the entrance. They also benefit from various discounts.

    Buy annual pass

    The annual pass is available at the visitor centre by the main entrance or can be purchased online here:

    Buy annual pass online


    Categorie Fee
    Families (2 adults with own children 6-15 years) CHF 230.–
    Grandparents (with max. four own grandchildren, 6–15 years) CHF 230.–
    Single parents (1 adult with own children 6–15 years) CHF 190.–
    Adults (21 years and older) CHF 145.–
    Young people (16–20 years) CHF 100.–
    Children (6–15 years) CHF 75.–
    Disability insurance recipients with valid DI-card CHF 75.–

    Discounts for multi-annual passes:

    • 2 years: 10% discount
    • 3 years: 15% discount

    Annual passes are non-transferable.

    Annual pass voucher

    Gift vouchers for Annual Passes are available at the Visitor Centre by the main entrance or can be ordered online:

    Online shop

    TGZ Membership

    Annual pass holders are automatically members of the Tiergarten-Gesellschaft Zürich TGZ, Zoo Zurich’s support association .


    Time for renewal? Check here the

    validity of your annual pass