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  • Paletten-Doktorfisch im Zoo Zürich.

    Palette surgeonfish

    Paracanthurus hepatus

    Closest relatives Surgeonfish (80 species)
    Habitat current-swept reefs at depths of 2 to 40 meters, shelter in crevices and behind coral reefs
    Behaviour in pairs or in small groups up to 12 animals
    Diet Plankton and algae, young animal only plankton
    Body length up to 30 cm
    Spawn no brood care, for spawning surgeonfish swim out into the open sea, the larvae are carried away by the sea current
    Use Food fish, fishkeeping
    Current status still widespread

    geographic range

    Verbreitungskarte Paletten-Doktorfisch


    F. Pfund, Rudolfstetten
    B. Wolfensberger, Hombrechtikon
    V. Appenzeller
    Th. Kurer, Dietlikon
    M. Eberhard, Watt
    M. Eberhard, Windlach
    humanvision, M. Kleger, Zürich
    M. Bösch, Goldau
    K. Sokoll, Zunzgen
    K. Konya, Zürich
    Barbara, Kathrin, Josephine, Dominik, Marco
    Dr. K. Müller, Zürich
    R. Stutz, Zürich
    A. Angelmahr, Unterentfelden
    Become a Sponsor

    Price for a sponsorship: CHF 100.–

    Conservation status

    IUCN RedList