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  • Terrasse des Restaurants Altes Klösterli, Aufnahme 2022.
    Terrasse des Restaurants Altes Klösterli, Aufnahme 2022.
    Terrasse des Restaurants Altes Klösterli, Aufnahme 2022.
    Gastraum des Restaurants Altes Klösterli im Zoo Zürich, 2022.
    Restaurant Altes Klösterli Zoo Zürich
    Restaurant Altes Klösterli Zoo Zürich

    Restaurant Altes Klösterli

    Opening hours

    Monday to Sunday from 11:30 am to 11 pm.

    Service: served.

    The Restaurant Altes Klösterli can be visited without a zoo ticket. It serves modern Swiss specialities in a cosy atmosphere and with a fantastic view of the Glattal. The terrace offers a view of the Semien Mountains of zoo Zurich, where Geladas and other Ethiopian animals live.

    We recommend that you travel to the Restaurant Altes Klösterli by public transport.

    To the ZVV timetable

    The Restaurant Altes Klösterli has its own parking spaces directly in front of the building. They are exclusively available to guests of the restaurant.

    Food & drinks

    Book a table

    View into the premises

    Restaurant (St. Martin's Hall)
    Farmhouse parlor
    Cloister parlor
    Fluntern parlor
    Wine cellar


    Restaurant Altes Klösterli
    Klosterweg 36
    CH-8044 Zürich
    044 254 26 40

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