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  • Conservation Fellow Najoroniaina Raharimalala, Environmental Education Responsible at WCS Madagascar.

    Najoroniaina Raharimalala

    • Project: Masoala
    • Function: Environmental Education Responsible

    Najoroniaina is responsible for environmental education for the Wildlife Conservation Society WCS Madagascar in the MaMaBay Region, meaning Masoala National Park, Makira Natural Park and in the Antongil Bay Seascape.

    Video: WCS Madagascar/Zoo Zürich, Nicole Schnyder

    Three questions for Najoroniaina

    What is your motivation for the Masoala project?

    I am passionate about communication and working with children and young people. I have always been interested in psychosocial and social development, which is why I studied social work.

    An unforgettable moment in your project?

    At the end of 2023, the moment when I realised that with only two people in the team, we were able to successfully complete a five-year project with Zoo Zurich.

    Your biggest wish for your project?

    To develop a cultural centrr for young people to enhance the connection between artistic and cultural education and environmental education.

    Conservation Fellow Najoroniaina Raharimalala, Environmental Education Responsible at WCS Madagascar.

    Najoroiaina teaches a group at the environmental education campus. Photo: WCS Madagascar

    «Working with children and young people is my passion.»

    – Najoroniaina Raharimalala

    My projects