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  • Conservation Fellow James Mamisoa Rafanoharana, Herpetologist at WCS Madagascar.

    James Mamisoa Rafanoharana

    • Project: Masoala
    • Function: Herpetologist Assistant

    As a herpetologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society WCS Madagascar, James records and monitors the populations of amphibians and reptiles in Makira Nature Park and Masoala National Park.

    Video: WCS Madagascar/Zoo Zürich, James Mamisoa Rafanoharana

    Three questions for James

    Your motivation for the Masoala project?

    The project is in line with my higher education studies and helps me to acquire even more knowledge about biodiversity.

    An unforgettable moment in your project?

    When I was able to take part in a field trip with Dr. Frank Glaw.

    Your greatest wish for your project?

    I'd like to continue my research on different umbrella species.

    Conservation Fellow James Mamisoa Rafanoharana, Herpetologist at WCS Madagascar.

    James specialises in amphibians and reptiles. Photo: WCS Madagascar

    «Working on the project enriches my knowledge of biodiversity every day.»

    – James Rafanoharana

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