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  • Flammen-Zwergkaiserfisch im Zoo Zürich

    Flame angel

    Centropyge loricula

    Closest relatives Perch family, angelfish, dwarf angelfish (about 30 species)
    Habitat Coral reefs with clear lagoons and outer reefs from 1 to 60 meters deep, habitat very secluded
    Behaviour solitary, in pairs, in groups with a male and several females
    Diet Algae, small crustaceans
    Body length up to 12 cm
    Spawn Spawn and larvae swim in the sea, young fish colonize reefs
    Use fishkeeping
    Current status still widespread, stable

    geographic range

    Verbreitungskarte Flammen-Zwergkaiserfisch


    V. Appenzeller
    D. Meier, Steinmaur
    Become a Sponsor

    Price for a sponsorship: CHF 150.–

    Conservation status

    IUCN RedList