With about 350 animal species and more than 6,000 animals, the population of zoo animals is constantly changing. Here, you can find an overview of last month's deaths.
There are two categories:
- Death due to medical reasons
- Death for species management
Medical reasons
The animal has reached the end of its life and/or is so sick or injured that we can no longer help it. It may die a natural death or be euthanised. In the Masoala rainforest, sometimes one animal eats another.
Species management
You can find our explanations here:
medical reasons
- 2 Nacktmulle (Heterocephalus glaber)
- 4 Schweizer Dreifarben-Kleinscheck-Kaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus forma domestica)
- 1 Tüpfelhyäne (Crocuta crocuta)
Species management
- 1 Erdmännchen (Suricata suricatta)
- 7 Hausmeerschweinchen (Cavia aperea f. porcellus)
- 4 Schweizer Dreifarben-Kleinscheck-Kaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus forma domestica)
Medical reasons
- 1 Afrikanischer Strauss (Struthio camelus)
- 1 Bernierente (Anas bernieri)
- 1 Europäischer Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster)
- 1 Humboldtpinguin (Spheniscus humboldti)
- 1 Madagaskar-Perlwachtel (Margaroperdix madagarensis)
- 1 Madagaskarweber (Foudia madagascariensis)
- 2 Mandarinenten (Aix galericulata)
- 4 Pünktchenenten (Spatula hottentota)
- 1 Regenbogenlori (Trichoglossus moluccanus)
- 1 Rotstirn-Blatthühnchen (Jacana jacana)
- 1 Seidenhuhn (Gallus gallus f. domestica)
- 5 Sonnensittiche (Aratinga solstitialis)
Species management
- 1 Appenzeller Barthuhn (Gallus gallus domestic)
- 2 Bernierenten (Anas bernieri)
- 2 Madagaskar-Turteltauben (Nesoenas picturatus)
Medical reasons
- 3 Pantherchamäleons (Furcifer pardalis)
Species management
- 1 Gebänderter Fidschi-Leguan (Brachylophus fasciatus)
Medical reasons
- 1 Antillen-Ochsenfrosch (Leptodactylus fallax)
- 1 Goldener Pfeilgiftfrosch (Phyllobates terribilis)
- 1 Marañón-Pfeilgiftfrosch (Excidobates mysteriosus)
- 7 Rio-Pescado-Stummelfusskröten (Atelopus balios)
Species management
Medical reasons
- 1 Bodengucker-Makrele (Selene vomer)
- 1 Madagaskar-Buntbarsch (Ptychochromis oligacanthus)
Species management
- 1 Kanara-Buntbarsch (Etroplus canarensis)
- 26 Marakeli-Buntbarsche (Paratilapia polleni)
- 11.2 kg Marakeli-Buntbarsche (Paratilapia polleni) (abgefischt)
Medical reasons
- 1 Dorngespenstschrecke (Eurycantha calcarata)
- 1 Geisselspinne (Damon jonstoni)
- 3 Javanische Riesenstabschrecken (Tirachoidea biceps)
- 4 Madagaskar-Stabschrecken (Achrioptera manga)
- 1 Madagassischer Schwarzfusstausendfüsser (Sechelleptus)
- 4 Malaiische Riesengespenstschrecken (Heteropteryx dilatata)
- 4 Riesenblattschrecken (Siliquofera grandis)
- 6 Rosenkäfer (Pachnoda marginata peregrina)
- 3 Rosenkäfer (Protaetia cyanochlora)
Species management