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  • Ausstellung Shopping für den Regenwald bei den Menschenaffen
    Ausstellung Shopping für den Regenwald bei den Menschenaffen

    Shopping for the rainforest

    The content of the exhibition "«Shopping for the Rainforest» in the Great Apes house is the threat to primates through the loss of their natural habitat, the rainforests. It provides tips on how consumers can actively influence the future of the rainforests.

    In 2008, the exhibition was awarded the Prix Expo 2008, worth 10,000 Swiss francs, by the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT.

    Ausstellung Shopping für den Regenwald bei den Menschenaffen

    Human consumption patterns have a major impact on the habitat of animals.


    Destruction of the rainforests
    Threat to the Great Apes
    as a result of consumption


    Great Apes house